Saturday, January 9, 2010

Presidentiables and Food Supplements

Presidential Candidates are like those food supplements flooding the drugstores and airwaves. Promising everything from stopping aging on its tracks to transforming you to a coca cola bottle. At the end of every commercial and at the back of each packaging, it states " No Proven Therapeutic Effects." It might as well have taken back everything it has promised previously.

Election after election, we have gone through bouts of fervent promises and promises silently broken. Perhaps it is time for elective candidates to remember what they learned when they were kids. Lying is not acceptable behaviour and it bears consequences. It is not the constitution which needs to be changed but election law. CEO's of private companies are hired based on a promised result, when results are not evident at the time provided, they are sacked.

It is time for false promises to stop and real reforms to begin.

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